How to remove your a collection account without hurting your credit score

11:30 AM
How to remove your a collection account without hurting your credit score. The following is a review of how to best maintain your credit score when deleting a collection account for any reason.

The initial narrative in this review will be delivered by taking an example of a case. As an case example; "Your beloved partner has just received a collection letter from her credit card collection agency, complete with the account number and a debt of $250. Previously, she never received a telephone or letter about this amount from the original creditor. And even she did not know the  date or purchase she canceled a number of credit card accounts in the past ... but didn't know who that was. Is there a way to pay that amount without going to a collection agency or injuring her perfect credit score?"

First, you need to get your girlfriend's current credit report and see if the account is reported as a collection. Very likely because she was contacted by a collection agency. However, it is very important to know whether it is in her credit report because it will determine how the situation should be handled.

If it has not been reported, you should immediately contact the collection agent by mail. Don't deal with these people by telephone. Write a letter stating that you will pay off the collection in full if they agree in writing that the account will not be reported to the 3 credit reporting agencies. Also, in the letter make sure she does not acknowledge that the account belongs to her. Send everything by official letter.

If the account has been reported to the credit agent (more likely) then he needs to do two things.

how to remove collection account without hurting credit score
How to remove collection account without hurting credit score.
First she must write a debt validation letter addressed to the collection agency. These letters must be very simple. Simply have them verify the following information:
  • Name and address of original creditor.
  • Detailed information that shows how "Debt Balance" has been calculated.
  • Proof that the statue's restrictions as defined by the Country [your country] have not expired.
Now, this next step is very important and needs to be done as soon as the letter is sent (like the next day). Dispute the billing account with ALL 3 from the credit agent. Dispute it as "not knowledgeable about this account".

The reason you want to argue right after you send the letter is because the Fair Debt Collection Practice Law prohibits collection agencies from responding to any debt requests while you have requested that the debt be validated. That is the reason when the credit agent contacts the collection agent, in this case to verify the deposited account, then legally, the collection agent cannot respond and the credit agent will be forced to delete the account from your girlfriend's credit report.

What is Credit Inquiry and How They Affect Your Credit Score

9:47 AM
What exatcly of Credit Inquiry meaningful and how they affect your credit score. In the following article I will explain how credit report inquiries can reduce your credit score. Depending on the type of inquiry, your score can be lower 3 - 10 points - even more with lots of inquiries. Even though this should not be the culmination of your credit worries, this is useful information to remember.

What is Credit Inquiry?

As the name suggests, credit inquiries are the nomenclature used when someone withdraws your credit report for review. There are two main types of inquiries: inquiries that are only seen by you, and inquiries that are seen by everyone who reviews your credit report. Only the last one affects your credit score.

While many inquiries make a greater impact on your credit score, many inquiries in the same 2-week period are usually only counted as one inquiry. The credit bureau starts doing this after customers start complaining that their scores are down 20-30 points in one weekend shopping car (often when you are looking for financing for a new car, the dealer will make 20+ inquiries).

This provides an important tip: when you are looking for credit (filling out a credit card application, for example), do it in a "burst". If you are going to apply for 5 credit cards, minimize the impact of the credit score by doing it all on the same day and then wait a few months (if you don't succeed first) to do it again. Credit inquiries show the credit bureau that you really need credit because you cannot fulfill your current obligations. This is why they lower your score.

credit inquiry affect credit score
Credit inquiry will affect your credit score.

Inquiries types that do not affect your score

  • Attracting your own credit report is not visible to anyone but you.
  • Inquiries about pre-approval offers for example "You have been approved before!" What you receive by post.
  • SOME credit inquiries are made by debt collectors.

Types of inquiries that affect your score

  • Inquiries are made by creditors when applying for credit.
  • Inquiries raised by cell phone companies when you apply for cell phones.
  • Inquiries car dealers.
  • Misc other application loans (such as home loans).
What is Credit Inquiry and How They Affect Your Credit Score >>